How to create an audio walk with StoryHunt

How to create an audio walk with StoryHunt

Mathias Mølgaard
Mathias Mølgaard
December 6, 2023

In this article you will learn how to create an audio walk with StoryHunt using a simple five-step model. The guide will cover creating the route, writing a script, testing your experience, recording the audio and launching your tour. This guide is only suitable for linear tours so remember to select "route" when creating a new tour.

1. Create a route

The first step is to create your route in StoryHunt Creator. We recommend to stay within the following guidelines for your tour:

  • We recommend to have 8-12 stories per tour
  • The tour should be less than 5 km in length
  • The tour should be less than 2 hours from start to finish

When you are editing a tour in StoryHunt Creator, you can see the number of stories, the length and the estimated time in the top bar to the left.

2. Write your script

Writing a script is all about great storytelling and therefore it is important to develop a narrative across the tour. For each stop, you can follow this structure:

  1. Introduction to the place: where the user should be standing and where they should look
  2. Story content: the actual story that you want to tell – preferably linked to the user's position
  3. Wayfinding and teaser: how the user gets to the next story and what to look forward to

All stops can follow this template. However, the first and the last stop may differ a bit from the intermediate stories.

Now, it's also possible to use our AI to generate the script for you.


3. Testing the script

Once you have created the first version of your story, it's recommended that you test it with real users. To make the test as realistic as possible, I suggest the following approach:

  1. Make a dummy recording of your script. You can do it yourself, ask a friend or use AI. The point is but to make sure that your script is coherent and that the user knows where to go between stories.
  2. Upload each story to StoryHunt Creator.
  3. Invite some users to test your tour. When testing with users, make sure that you do not show them where to go so you capture their real response to the wayfinding. After each story, I suggest you ask them about their experience and take notes. Learn more about testing here.

Once you have tested the script, it is time to implement the needed corrections. Depending on the feedback from your users, you might want to test again. The best content creators out there test many times to refine their tours.

4. Recording the audio

Once you have gone through the necessary testing, it's time to record the audio. If you are a good speaker you can do it yourself. Alternatively you can find actors or use our AI to do the speak – on all major languages people can't hear it's a computer.


5. Publish your tour

Once you have the audio, it's time to put everything together in StoryHunt Creator. Make sure that all texts are filled out correctly, that you have the images you want to, and that you have uploaded your recorded audio.

The final step is to publish your tour to the world – and the the fun part begins: promotion!


I hope this guide will help you create an audio walk with StoryHunt. We're always looking for feedback, so please let us know what we can do to improve our articles. We will only take it as a way to get better.